Organization of Fish10K consortium
Fish10K is now initiated by a core group of researchers, forming the steering committee of Fish10K. The steering committee is the essential organizers overseeing the whole project, and to be responsible for fund raising, expanding the steering committee, organizing the scientific groups and species groups and organizing panel discussions on and then determining/refining the species list, sampling, sequencing, assembly and analysis strategies. Majority of the genome data to be generated by the steering committee, we would also have different scientific groups to focus on technical and scientific questions related to this project. The scientific groups will include sampling group, sequencing and assembly group, and a series of groups focusing on different fish related scientific questions. Currently, we would like to receive proposals from global researcher thus we can organize the scientific groups. The scientific groups will have advance access to all the generated genome data, but Fish10K will not support the scientific groups in funding thus members in the scientific groups need to find their own funding. Finally, considering about the difficulties of sampling (most of the fish are in the wild and some of them are quite rare or even extinct), members in the species group can contribute their samples, and optionally their own funding for sequencing. In addition to obtain the genome sequences of their own focus under Fish10K scope, they can also have advance access to all the genomes generated by Fish10K for analyzing their own species.
Join US as the scientific groups and species groups
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.